All this is from >>Rockzy<< with just 10L$ everithing just for few days then the store will be closed :( Hair: Brown-Badgirl Neck:*LC* E - LoLaroid Photo Necklace Skin: CandyDoll-Holli Purple Pale
all the pants, and are more then i posted are with 5L$ from [NO LIMIT] there u will find a lot of clothes and shapes at only 5L$. the shirts come in more colours but i was to lazy to posted all, are from a piece of candy-shelly (2nd floor) with 1L$ Skin: CandyDoll-Holli Sky Pale (one of my favorites) 800L$
Let's be sexy bunny :))) Shoes: *N-core* SHARK XtremeHeel Black Lingerie: *!XTC!* Bunny-NO TRANSFER! Hair: *Maitreya* Green II - Nuts Pack Skin: Made By Me Shape: Made by Me