All This clothes are in just a box.... yep 1 box with all this and freebie 0L$ YAY here u will find the box Kenzie&Co Skin:CandyDoll Becca Candy Pale Hair:Exile
Lingerie: Serenity Day Spa- 0L$ Shoes: N-Core- not free Hair:===SIRENA DARKS (idk if the store still exist)- not free Skin:LAQ ~ Imani 01 [Cocoa-not free
Ohh i Like So much this costume *_* Costume: KL BDSM- Winter Fun1L$ Hair:Mirai-.+*Cuto*+.Darkbrown&Lightbrown 200L$ Skin: CandyDoll- Marilyn naughty pale 800L$
This all Clothes are from ~~SisterHood~~ with 0L$ (expensive huh *simles*) Black Shoes:=AC= 9" Combat High heel boots 300L$ Hair:~Hype~ Jessica 200L$ Skin:CandyDoll-Marilyn sweet pale 800L$
Lingeire:~~SisterHood~~ black and white dresses 0L$ Hair:Hype Hair Colette Bootylicious Black -Lucky letter Skin:Obsidian **Laci Mint Candy Skin** 100L$