Sooo, Gala (curio) have a awesome new relase Yum and is really yummy <3 u must try a demo :D i bet u will love it as much as i do :D
Jacket: R.icielli - LUCRETIA leather jacket / gold ( by Vliet Troncon)
Top: {SMS} Longsleeve Tee Beige ( by Irie Campese)
Pants: (Milk Motion) my loose wool leggings ( by Marie Lauridsen)
Heels; ::Kookie:: Vo Pumps shoe ( by Kookie Lemon)
Hair: (Posh) ; Wednesday ; Love ( by Jeanie Valois)
Skin; :GP: Acorn [Light] Yum-Fatpack Bonus2 BR NEW ( by Gala Phoenix)
Teeth: .:VILLENA:. - Teeth (by Villena Swansen)
Eyes: CandyDoll - Dollie_Gray Eyes (by Rebeca Dembo)
Poses: R.icielli ( by Vliet Troncon)