Everithing is perfect. YAY
and i made NEW skins :D my RALUCA come in 3 skin tone and NOW with more makeup in 1 pack YAY aslo have smokey eyes :D
Demo is Free :D

Jacket: A&A Fashion Jacket Short'2 Grey/Red NEW
Dresses: *LP* Romashka dress NEW All
Heels: Stiletto Moody Bare Fay (ColorSet)
Bracelet: A&A FAshion Extren Bracelet Silver/Gold NEW
NEcklace: A&A FAshion Extrem Necklace Silver/Gold NEW
Nails: A&A FAshion Dangerous Nails2010/french NEW
Eyelashes: =^.^= NIKITA FRIDE - Long EyeLashes Cat
Hair: Simply Brianee *Brit*Ava
Skin: CandyDoll- Raluca NEW All