Artemis isthe new hair on Exile, u must try a demo, they are fabulous :D
by the way i waer dark blonde pack :D

Jacket: :: fore :: The upper button shirt check 02 (by ruca Moyet)
Shirt: *League* Teachers Pet Shirt (by Nena Janus)
Pants: MichaMi: Selma Shorts in Black (by Milla Michinaga)
Socks: Pig - Argyle Sock M. Suspender - Uncle Harry (by Apatia Hammerer)
Boots: [aRAWRa] Bowdorable Slouch Boots (by Aurora Deischer)
Bag: (Milk Motion)huge tote bag *vichy* (by Marie Lauridsen)
Glases: Alphavillain - Jean-Luc Glasses (by Laika Saintlouis)
Hair: Exile Artemis/ Dark Blondes NEW (by Kavar Cleanslate)
Skin: -Glam Affair- SofiaV2- Natural 10 (by aida Ewing)
Eyes: CandyDoll - DollieLight Gray (by Rebeca Dembo)
Poses: au soleil. (by Shelby Stipe)