martes, 20 de abril de 2010

SmeXy As Hell

Humm when i was sleepie i got this shoes, i kinda dont know how i got them lool but i know i really like this shoes and work perfect with new jeans and shirt from ::Temptation:: and not forget about this HOT SmeXy skins, they are like OMG! hot as hell :P, come in 2 skin tone and 5 diferent makeups :D <3, gotta have them

Full Set 004

Full Set 003

Top: ::Temptation:: Top Dots NEW
Pants: ::Temptation:: Jeans White Slim NEW
Shoes: Lucy In Disguise - Boots & Owl Box Purse
Necklace: A&A Fashion WooW Silver Nacklace NEW
Hair: \LoQ/ Caffe Latte - Sienna
Skin: SmeXy - 003/004 NEW

2 comentarios:

Sylwia Obolensky dijo...

oh you look great! I love the skin and the big diamond necklace!

BeccaLicious dijo...

thank you crazy, man we need to talk :)